Monday, February 23, 2009

Card 38 | Jean Sanders

Jean Sanders is a wonderful illustrator/painter from Florida. See more of her artwork here.

I hope you get the reference in her card's quote. Do you know what it is from?

Thanks, Jean! It's beautiful.

Card 37 | Gary Baseman

Gary Baseman is pretty weird, I must admit. I think this is a good thing, though, since it gives him the imagination and talent for these great cartoon character he draws. He might not know this, but I remember at Creative Summit one year, someone found out Gary had an open tab at the bar. Needless to say, I don't know if he was ever mad about it, but I figured a lot of people felt cool knowing that he bought us all drinks. I mean, bought them drinks. Thanks, Gary!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Collections Five

On this page lies various doodles from a boring day of class. To the left is a scan of my first Christmas stocking that was sewn by a nun that used to work with my dad at Sisters of Charity Health Group (now Christus Health). Below that, is a napkin doodle, and a magnet collected from Las Vegas. The back part of the magnet is blurry because it is actually 3D.

Card 36 | Tom Berno

Another one of my professors from school, Tom Berno, finally was able to create a card for my book. As our student group’s AIGA sponsor and my special problems (independent study) professor, he was one of the most professional instructors I have encountered in my years at Texas State, with the most memorable laugh. He told me that the character in his design is a tuba player, and meant to reflect my enthusiasm, plus the fact that I was involved with marching bands for ten years.

Card 35 | Mark Todd

Mark Todd instructed one of my favorite classes at Texas State: Digital Illustration. His style for laying interesting photography with typography has inspired students for years. His work also contains a lot of mystery, which is displayed beautifully in this card.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Round Two: 100 Designers

Hello everyone!

It amazes me how many people have come to check out my book project. Thank you all for your continued support and kind words.

In case you don't know, I am planning on sending out Round 2 sometime in the next month and I have been collecting a list of 100 designers, illustrators, artists, etc to send cards to and invite them to participate. If you want to participate, send me an email with your name and snail mail, and I'll add you on!

Check back soon for I have some last stragglers from my first 100, including a great card from Gary Baseman!


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Card 34 | Desiree Yanes

I finally got a card from the beautiful and generous Desiree Yanes of San Antonio. As one of my closer colleagues, she was always such a great designer, and also a great friend.

Card 33 | Ivanete Blanco

Besides living in my old neighborhood, Ivy teaches design at Texas State University. When I think of her, I think of great typography, her good taste in salsa music, and how her daughter came trick or treating at my house.

Card 32 | Kim Bond

My partner in crime and internship supervisor, Kim Bond, worked at Shoehorn Design in Austin and represented the female legs of the operation when I interned there in the summer of 2005. I was able to work on some great projects with her, and even was complimented by Anita Perry, the Governor of Texas’ wife, on work we did for the Women’s Conference. She kept me updated on the design world, when I brought her and the other Shoehorn people bags of Peanut M&Ms.

Kim’s card tells of the Welsh Legend of the origin of Sabrina. Basically, she was a illegitimate child that was drowned in the Severn River. How sad.

Collections Four

As expected, I own both versions of the classic movie, Sabrina. This one, starring Harrison Ford, was the first one I saw, and I owned the poster at one point. It’s a really beautiful movie, and it almost seems like my personal fairy tale. The other scans are various signature attempts and drawings made during school.